Mad Maxine: The Wicked Witch Of The West

Mad Maxine has sponsored and written little legislation while being the district’s representative. Yet, she is still being allowed to collect a check from the Federal Government, for doing nothing but resisting President Trump.

By Taylor Foland

Many Americans are sick and tired of the Democratic Party, also known as: the Democratic Plantation. Maxine Waters, the liberal left’s figurehead of “the resistance” is up to no good, yet again. She addressed an audience on Saturday, July 1st, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana at the ESSENCE Festival.

She aimed her hate at Dr. Carson by stating: “Carson knows nothing about the mission of HUD”, “doesn’t care about people in public housing”, “he believes that if you’re poor, it is your own fault”, and “he doesn’t know the difference between an immigrant and a slave.” She then threatened the HUD Secretary by saying that when Mr. Carson appears before my committee: “I am going to take his ass apart.”

This should NOT be the conduct of a member of the Congress. The 43rd District of California has been gripped with poverty, and homelessness. While the homeless roam the streets, Waters lives in one of the most luxurious neighborhoods in Los Angeles, in a 4.3-million-dollar, 4,000 square foot home. This is puzzling, because Waters has been the district’s representative since 2013, and has been in politics 37 years, yet keeps getting re-elected. How is this possible?

Mad Maxine has sponsored and written little legislation while being the district’s representative. Yet, she is still being allowed to collect a check from the Federal Government, for doing nothing but resisting President Trump. She’s been in Washington D.C. for over twenty years! What does she have to show for all this work in the Congress? In all her recent votes, not one of them was on combating the poverty and homelessness within her own district. On her official biography on her website, there is not one single piece of legislation listed that she has written and fought to pass.

Her bio simply states: “Throughout her 37 years of public service, Maxine Waters has been on the cutting edge, tackling difficult and often controversial issues. She has combined her strong legislative and public policy acumen and high visibility in Democratic Party activities with an unusual ability to do grassroots organizing.” It only lists what she did during her 14 years in the California State Assembly, that’s it. She has made: “IMPEACH 45!” her only message to Americans.

Homelessness is actually the biggest problem in her district. Let’s look at the facts of District 43 in California, when it comes to people WITHOUT housing. According to the Los Angeles Times, the homelessness rate in Los Angeles County has jumped to 23%. Inglewood, California is in Southwestern LA County, its homelessness problem is growing also. According to the South Bay Coalition To End Homelessness, in a study recorded on January 28, 2015 there were: (at least) 555 total persons in the City of Inglewood alone that were homeless.

In their study, South Bay Coalition surveyed different areas around, and in the district to record the number of the homeless in 2015. Their results speak volumes: the most densely populated areas where people are unsheltered are: Wilmington (465), West Athens (277), Inglewood (262), San Pedro (246), and Redondo Beach (165). Areas with the highest number of persons living in vehicles: Wilmington (241), Harbor Gateway (131), Carson (124), San Pedro (89), and West Athens (73). Areas with the highest number of persons on the street: Wilmington (224), Inglewood (207), West Athens (204), San Pedro (157), and Redondo Beach (97). In the greater Los Angeles area: 2,986 were counted as homeless. When the study was conducted, 78% were unsheltered.

South Bay also released their homeless numbers for 2016, the numbers are up from 2015, increasing by 22%, close to the reporting of the LA Times. Numbers have increased from 3,006 in 2015, to 3,663. According to their official page, South Bay released statistics between 2013-2016, in which they found that there was a 103% increase “in the number of people living in an unsheltered situation.

Given this data, you would think that the Congresswoman would have a section on her website dedicated to combating homelessness, wouldn’t you? No, she has no information in her issues that deals with combating homelessness at all. She only brings homelessness up on her official website by saying: “Homelessness has increased by 20 percent in Los Angeles since 2014, and this proposal had the potential to put more people at risk of becoming homeless” (referring to a public housing sector dispute with Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles).

Maxine Waters goes on to list more nonsense on her “leadership.” She has been labeled as a: “poverty pimp” within her own district. With the problems of poverty and homelessness gripping her district, and across the district line in Venice Beach, hopefully the good people of the forty-third District will vote her out.

Maxine Waters opponent Omar Navarro.

Omar Navarro, is challenging Waters for her seat in 2018, and is gaining more ground in the forty-third district with each passing day. Omar Navarro’s campaign slogan: “Fighting For Your Family” is a welcome change for once in the district, since Maxine Waters has been representing the state of California for over twenty years, and has little to show for it. (Except a 4.3-million-dollar mansion.)

Before Maxine Waters was the queen of the snowflake army in the west, she didn’t live in a 4.3-million-dollar mansion. It begs the question: ‘how does somebody enter politics, and then becomes richer, now, than the day they went in?’

The basic answer to this question is very simple: there are two types of people who run for office: (especially at the federal level) the first category of people are the ones who are interested in upholding the checks and balances in our government, and then there is the other category of people: the ones who are interested in getting the CHECKS.

In conclusion, the Liberal Democrats are obstructionists. Maxine Waters is a massive hypocrite, and she is completely insane. NO, Mad Maxine, it’s YOU who doesn’t understand the poor! Maxine, before you attack Dr. Carson, look at your own leadership in your district.

On November 6th, 2018, there will be a reckoning at the polls, there will be a rapture at the ballot box. Maxine, on November 6th, 2018 the people of the forty-third district are going to vote you out! Can you imagine if Maxine Waters and Omar Navarro have a televised debate? That would be interesting!


Taylor Foland is a Volunteer Coordinator for ACT For America, the nation’s largest grassroots national security group. ACT has over 750,000 members and 1,000 allied volunteers groups across America.


from Roger Stone

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